Posted by : Pinterest Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A Florida man accused of killing his roommate reportedly asked Siri for help on how and where to hide the body. The original response that query generated, long since removed by Apple, offered classic pulp fiction locations such as swamps, reservoirs, foundries, and dumps. (The query now returns "I used to know the answer to that question...") Yet that same question, along with other data such as flashlight usage and location, are now being offered into evidence by prosecutors at trial. The Independent:
Evidence collected from Bravo's iPhone includes records of him using the phone's flashlight function nine times from 11.31pm to 12:01am on the day that Bravo disappeared and asking the phone: "I need to hide my roommate".
It's good that Apple changed Siri's response. There's no joke that can't become deadly serious in the wrong hands, head, and circumstances.
The trial is ongoing.
Now forgive me if I go and try to make myself feel better about humanity again by getting Siri to read me a bedtime story...

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