Posted by : Pinterest Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Hot Teacher Who Sent Vag Pics And Said She Wanted To Take Victim’s Virginity Is Accused Of Sexual Abuse Of Three Students

BY  / 11.15.14
Let me introduce you to Ashley Parkins Pruitt, this married 28-year-old mother of one is an English teacher at Appalachian High School in Alabama where she takes a special interest in her students. She began giving three of her male students some after-school instruction from August to October when she used Snapchat to send them photos of her vagina and breasts. I do appreciate the teachers that are adapting their teaching methods by connecting with their students through modern media platforms that their pupils are more proficient at and more comfortable with.
However things escalated when Pruitt expressed her desires in taking the virginity of one of the boys. From August til September, Pruitt reportedly engaged in sexual contact such as “kissing” and “making out” with one of the students, who was under the age of 19. Having been bored with the make-out sesh, Pruitt moved on to her next victim who she allegedly had oral sex with in her car in October.
Pruitt turned herself in to authorities on Friday and is charged with two counts of providing pornography to a minor, two counts of sex act with a student, one count of sex contact with a student. She is being held in the Blount County Jail with bond set at $215,000. You have to appreciate one factor in this whole ordeal; she set a goal for herself and she didn’t quit until she attained it. Determination.

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