Posted by : Pinterest Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Whether it be on television, some snot-nosed kid singing it, or on the radio, we have all heard “Let It Go,” the theme song from the massively successful “Frozen,” a gazillion times. The fact that it is essentially an irritating kids song and that it is so overplayed makes it a perfect soundtrack for this brilliant prank.
We take you to the library at Waterford Institute of Technology in Ireland, where one unlucky bloke was the butt of this hilarious joke. Everyone was busy studying for their exams in the noiseless library when Shay Dempsey opened up his laptop and that triggered an evil prankbomb. Idina Menzel’s “Let It Go” began blasting into the silent study center. Poor Shay could not mute the laptop to save his life. He panicked and tried closing it, putting in headphones, but nothing, only “Let it go, let it go” echoing throughout the room. With the music still obnoxiously playing, Shay’s only play was to grab his laptop and leave the library.
Thankfully his “friends” that set him up for the hysterical embarrassment were recording the entire event. I’m sure Shay will look for a frozen revenge and will not just “Let It Go.”

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