Posted by : Pinterest Tuesday, February 24, 2015

There’s no explanation I’ll accept for this technology existing that isn’t along the lines of “Trust fund kids spending too much time in the club gawking at girls twerking decided to throw some of their parent’s money at getting these girls back to their private sound studios’.
The description of the video gives a long-winded explanation about how this project was designed to bring harmony between club music and the dancing that takes place inside clubs, but it’s obvious that’s all some elaborate ruse to gather together a handful of the world’s best twerkers and gawk at them in action. And I get it. Who doesn’t love an onion booty in action? But to spend your hard earned trust fund on technology that makes music out of girating asses? That seems like a poor use of funds.
From YouTube:
The overall idea behind the project was to provide AIAIAI headphone-users and other music lovers with new music. Moreover, we wanted to do this in an unusual way, which brought about music made by the booty – for the booty.
The project explores the rich heritage of bass-driven club culture where dancing and booty-shaking are integral elements. We want to see if it’s possible to change the perception of twerking through placing it in a technology-driven, creative context and letting the dance “do the talking.” So we let the producer Branko from Buraka Som Sistema use the movement of buttocks to make a new track. In collaboration with the designers OWOW, utilizing a dancer, Twerk Queen Louise, as their instrument who, in turn, contributes to the creative process, Branko ultimately produces a track powered and shaped by the dancer’s booty movements. The end result is the track ‘Cascavel’; new music for the dance floor and, of course, the headphones.
I’m not convinced and I’ll never be convinced that this had anything to do with an artistic project. This is just a group of people with too much time and money on their hands, and who love seeing asses shook.
They did do a great job on the video (currently at over 320k views), you gotta give them that:
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