Following the post below, here are some of my essentials in my makeup bag that I carry around at all times...
My mac face and body in C4 is my favourite summer foundation. I've just been on holiday so have caught the sun on my face a little bit. Face and body is so light and you can use it sparingly and just apply with your fingers (tut!)
I tend to get quite dark circles under my eyes so a little bit of this each morning does the trick, although I am a firm believer that you can go a long way with just foundation and concealer is not always necessary.
I haven't been using this as much as I'm loving the dewy skin look at the moment rather then matte but I keep it with me just incase! I love everything Clinique, if I have a client who has sensitive skin I will pull out all my Clinique products as they are so gentle and light.
The lip liner I am obsessing over at the moment is 'Staunchly Stlyish' by Mac. It's the perfect colour match for my lips as I'm girl crushin' on Kylie Jenner and the overdrawn lip thing right now.
This week it's 'Coral Bliss.' Always changing lip colour.
I hadn't actually heard of He-Shi before but this was a birthday present from my brother who knows nothing about makeup so I hesitantly tried it out. I probably won't use any other bronzer again now as the pigment in this is amazing and very long-lasting. The different shades mean that you can really build up layers and will look good on many different skin tones.