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- Mississippi PIKE Arrested After Killing Two Flamingos At The Zoo In Fraternity Prank Gone Wrong
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Thursday, October 9, 2014
Just when you thought fraternities couldn’t get any stupider, a University of Southern Mississippi frat Bro takes it to a whole new level. University of Southern Mississippi’s Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity was having a scavenger hunt around Hattiesburg. One of the items on the list? Take a picture of the bird.
PIKE Bro Devin Nottis, 19, of Pascagoula, Mississippi, must have a learning disability where he misunderstood those directions. Instead of taking a picture of the bird, he TOOK the bird. Two, in fact. Today he was arrested on grand larceny changes. All of PIKE at Southern Mississippi has been suspended. Via the Sun Herald:
Rick Taylor, executive director of the Hattiesburg Convention Commission, which oversees zoo operations, said six individuals were involved, and Nottis has been charged with grand larceny. More charges could be filed as the investigation continues.According to a Hattiesburg Police Department news release, officers learned students were on a scavenger hunt, but Nottis took a Chilean Flamingo instead of taking a picture of the animal.The university suspended the fraternity following Nottis’ arrest.According to the release, the chapter has been ordered to cease and desist all activities until further notice by the university. In addition, the national office of the fraternity has placed the chapter on administrative suspension, requiring that it cease operations for 30 days while executive officers determine its future.
Someone’s watched The Hangover on USA one too many times. The news gets worse. The two Flamingos were injured and later had to be euthanized. The two beautiful birds are now dead because of the shenanigans:
The female Chilean flamingo was taken from the zoo early Tuesday, and was found injured later that morning. The bird had to be euthanized due to the extent of its injuries.A second flamingo since has died. It was the mate of the stolen flamingo, Taylor said. It was found dead in the holding area this morning with scrapes on its body.A necropsy was performed and gross internal injuries were discovered.“We think the male attempted to defend his mate and was injured,” Rick Taylor said.
Annnnnnnndddddddddd this is why people hate frats. Man, that last line just hits you right in the feels, huh? The male was injured trying to defend its mate, of which they both eventually died from. Just like Romeo and Juliet. If only more frat Bros could be like that…